A place where your data is treated with care.

Here is your FAQ

We try to prepare answers in advance for your Frequently Asked Questions.

I want migrate my existing Website to YuGo hosting servers?

 Good choice. Here is list of steps you should follow:

  1. Contact us via Contact form of directly via email office@yugohosting.com 
  2. Prepare your current Website backup and database dump, or even better, just let us speak with your current hosting provider and do this part for you
  3. Tell us which provider you use for your domain registration, maybe we can offer cheaper solution
  4. Setup your domain nameserver to point towards ns01.yugohosting.com and ns02.yugohosting.com
  5. Let us do magic for you and sent you few pages of documentation on how to access your Website panel administration
  6. Start using your new freshly migrated site
Free Hosting for one Year, how it’s even possible?
We are new but experienced in this field and we want to prove our quality first to our future customers. You can always try but also left anytime you want, we will help you even migrate back to any other hosting of your choice. 
For us first thing is trust, we can build anything based on that roots. 


Latest From YuGo Hosting

Here is best part where we post our adventures and real world issues/solution, solved so far or give you an update on current status regarding services.

How we do security

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How process of migration looks like

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Welcome to YuGo Hosting

It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content of a page when looking at its layout.